Saturday, October 15, 2011

Source List

Alright, so I have to have sources for my project, so here is my list- complete with descriptions.

1) Vggallery- a website supported by the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam. includes an online gallery, a collection of his letters, and analysis of his life and art. AWESOME SOURCE!!!!

2) Starry, Starry Night- song remade by Josh Groban about the life and art of Van Gogh. Beautiful, and hints an his mental state, genius, beauty of art, and the underlying message in his art (at least that there is one). Originally by Don McLean, but I don't like that version because it just sound wrong. and there is a lyrics of analysis in source 4, but I think they missed something.

3) Brainy Quote- generic quote website. I used the pages with quotes by my artist, and on art. I also looked at the quotes on God, but didn't find any that I wanted to use (and there were a LOT to look through, so I gave up at one point)

4) Van Gogh Gallery- this is yet another website that has lyrics, pictures, biographical info, museums, all about VG. Good site to know.

5) Van Gogh by Rene (insert accent on last e) Hyughe- book with art, letter excerpts, sketches, analysis of personality/ life/art, ...

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