Sunday, October 16, 2011

Notes, Notes, Notes...

So by the rules of my project I have to have notes on my subject, which by requirements of my rubric I need to organize ( doubble :p ). Here goes...


vangogh was a dutchman, but he spent a lot more time in France than the Netherlands.
he made 900 paintings.
he loved his family even though he didn't get along with people. His brother and nephew were very important to him.
he liked color and imagery.
he was not mentally stable. Some sources believe that this was due to manic depression and certain poisons he ingested.
he tried to take his own life, and died of complications 2 days later.
his father was a preacher, and he wanted to be one too at one point in his life.
he was a very passionate person.
he cut off part of his ear.
he was not good at love. or friendship.
he had trouble controlling his hands later in life (arthritis perhaps?)
he only sold one painting, but after his death his sister in law worked to make him famous.

Things I've gathered:

He was incredibly deep and complex, and so people had trouble understanding him.
He sort of burned himself out. I think he was the sort of person who has to put his all into everything, and as much as that is why he was successful, that's what destroyed him.
Even though he didn't know how to handle himself, he did the best he could and was a good man, who had a wonderful view of beauty, life and God.
He had a lot to offer the world, and still does, if only people would know and would have known how to understand him.

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