Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Real Update

For the last few days I keep doing technical entries, but I wanted to do a real update too.

I'm really stressed out right now. I have so much to do and in school and I need to have my video finished by the end of the day tomorrow, because I need to test the file. This is going to require hours and hours of work for me.

I need to turn in my story and have it graded a day or two after I present my movie, and it's not there yet at all.

This project is really important to me, and very personal as well, so I'm extra excited and stressed out here.

I have 2 other projects due this week, and would have 3 but I'm dropping choir tomorrow (can't avoid it anymore).

I'm exhausted. Seriously. Running on empty here.

College stuff is due soon.
      1) LAMESAUCE
      2) I don't know all of it yet.
      3) At this point it sounds like a bad idea

That's my update. Not much there you haven't heard actually. But whatever.

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