Saturday, October 15, 2011

Crunch Time

My project is due this week, so I've been putting in the hours this weekend to make it all work. Yesterday I spent hours looking at painting in a fabulous online gallery (google vggallery if you're interested), and making a list of paintings to put in my presentation. There are some really beautiful pieces of art, and I found a ton that I could use for my movie. There is also information about some of the art, and it was really cool to get to know VanGogh as a person through the commentary. For instance I learned that he liked to paint outside, he created Starry Night while he had checked himself into an asylum, and his nephew was named for him. I was laughing thinking about how excited he was that his nephew was named Vincent, and how proud he was that the kid was interested in his artwork. It was just so cute! :)
I'm also trying to catch up on my entries and work on the story part of my project. It's really coming along. I have one character pretty much finished, and I've started the other one, but she's much more difficult to articulate. I think I need to make her less complex, because she's having this faith crisis which is necessary to the plot, but I was also trying to write in her depression, but I don't think I have time to develop it, so as much as I love that piece of her, I may write it out. Basically, I'm working really hard to do as much as I can in a short span if time.


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