Saturday, October 15, 2011

How I'm gonna Pull This Off

I decided to really put my all into this, because this project is really important to me. So what I'm going to do is for my evaluation, I'm going to write a story about someone finding the Nature of God through the art of Van Gogh. This has been difficult so far. I've made it much to complex for the length of the story. For my class presentation I thought about giving everyone a copy of the story, but 1) didn't think I could use one story for both this and my evaluation and 2) I guard my creations for the most part, and knew that this story would be to personal for me to hand out to everyone. So I decided that a slideshow type movie would be cool and a little bit less personal for me so I wouldn't be as nervous or as hurt if it didn't go over as well as I would hope.

Story+ Movie+ blog (this one, used for the smaller assignments)= Project Completed

Let's do this.

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