Thursday, March 8, 2012

Our Song

I was watching Doctor Who videos on YouTube today (and yesterday- but that's beside the point) and I found a bunch of fan videos of clips set to music. My favorites were set to Anyway You Want It and Cable Car. They went so well with each other, telling the story so well, that I started thinking about a what songs and clips would be in my videos with my friends and I. Would they be sad and sweet, or funny? Would they be all music? Or have voice overlays too?
I wish I could show pieces of my heart and soul like YouTube videos. Tell a story in 4 min. Make it deep and soulful. Make someone feel the way a few stupid clips and a good lyric make me feel- like my heart os skipping. Stopping. Being caught in my chest.
I wish it were that easy to pour myself out. I envy people who are emotional sometimes. I feel differently than other people. I don't have a ton of visual responses. I can share positive responses more easily, but I can't share the way i care about people, or when I'm upset unless I'm having an all out breakdown- and even then, if it doesn't seem right to me- I try to suppress it.
Tomorrow I think I'm going to start a new project. I'm going to think about songs for people. I'm going to watch videos in my head, and maybe try to explain them one of these days. That's another day's issue.

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