Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I've been thinking about my writing lately, mostly because of creative writing class, but it's got me wondering about sharing my work. My original plan was to spam the Lit Mag at school with a hundred poems at the end of the year, but I'm re-thinking that right now. When I finish something I like what I've written and part of me wants other people to see it and know that it's mine. So I've been looking into other options.

We are required to make a poetry book for class complete with pictures, profiles, the who shebang. I am wondering if I could go and make that incredibly long and just make things interesting for my teacher (Ok, so I want to cause a little trouble. You really hadn't noticed?). I'd enjoy doing it, so why not? 

I also looked into either opening a 4th blog (not that the other two I have right now are that great) and making it totally devoted to my creative writing. What I worry about here is someone plagerizing me. Which, normally I wouldn't care to much, but I really put heart into these things and I'm not ok with you taking credit for my life. That crosses a line.

Or I could join some website like or or devianart (or some combination there of). I'm not particularly fond of any of those sites. Though I do put up with the first two just because of content. 

The truth is that I don't know what I want to do, because as much as I want to share my work I want to preserve my aminimity so that I can do things like submit a hundred poems at a time and see what happens. Or totally shock people by casually writing something really cool while they sit there thinking "what? you write?". It gives me greater opportunity to blow people's minds. But if I share then I have access to more minds in order to take them by surprise. It's some trade off.

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