Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Before I Start

As much as I am curious about the big questions in life, the reason I'm back to blogging is for a school assignment. You see, my teacher gave us an assignment to research one of the big, philosophical questions about life, and I decided that I could keep up on it by keeping this blog. Right now the big question that I'm researching is "what is the nature of existence?". Meaning ."why are we here and what makes life worthwhile?".  I am looking at this through the work of Vincent VanGogh, but that isn't important just yet. This is about what I think NOW, before I start my official research.
I tried to have a little discussion about what the meaning of life is, but it quickly dissolved into a discussion of school and me in relation to my classmates. I guess when you have a simple answer, it doesn't seem like it's necessary to talk about the more complicated, smaller stuff, because it's there to go deeper and really about making connections that have already been made in the simple answer. The simple answer? We are all hear to know, love and serve God. That's what it all comes down to. The more complex one? The nature of existence really isn't it's own question. It's intricately connected with all these other questions, like the other two we could have picked to study- the nature of God, and the nature of Beauty. It's about the little things, and about learning Agape (greek for a specific form of love- unselfish, self-sacrificing, unconditional).
What I really find interesting though, (not that this isn't fascinating) is why people study the nature of our existence in the first place. I think that it's an attempt just to try and find our identity in a scope that we can better define, and that in a scope that we can even begin to understand. It;s less threatening. That's why I study. I figure that eventually, if I keep trying to understand life and other people, I will understand myself. I just want to figure myself out again. I can't be the first one. If I had to guess, I would say that this is probably the motivation that different people have had for studying the nature of human existence for as long as people have been studying human existence.

The Bubble Theroy

This theroy, probably more than any other, need a visual. While I work on trting to get one- that will take a while- I will just leave you with my theroy to ponder. You see, we were talking in Humanities the other day about Motzart, and how he had such a sad life (as many great creative minds do) and created such perfectly sad music, but at the same time was able to create such exuberantly happy things. We started discussing if there was some connection between beauty and pain, and I think I have stumbled upon a sutible connection.
You see, we are all created in a sort of emotional bubble, (seriously, imagine a bubble-suspend it in something, and make it stretchy) and that is the realm of our emotion at that point. Now as we grow and experience things- such as fighting with a friend (at this point your friend is 5) we process that ("she's so mean! I never want to be friends with her again!" *sobbing*) and out emotional bubble is forced outward at one point- creating a buldge in the bubble that is deepr in the total relm of emotion. Now instead of this bulge simply being forced back inwards, the rest of the bubble expans (slowly) to meet it, so that your relm of experience is larger. Now the same events can force the bubble to expand differently (such as when you are 16 and fight with a friend, and it is not nearly as devistating as when you were 5- now it creates a smaller bulge). Some things (like death) will always be devistating, and thus will always force the bubble way outwards, and may intensify the bulges caused by other events that you precieve the same way.
Now since your bubble expands with everything that happens to you, when you stand at the edge out your bubble- forced there by a good or bad event- you can see a much greater and more acurate picture of life and the realm of emotion that you are familiar with. This you can better replicate or describe it.
This is why Motzart could create such music. His life had forced his emotional bubble to from in a way that he could see a comparitively very large section of the emotional realm. so he could describle that area better, and even when life did not force him to the edge of that bubble, because he was in such a place as having described and expanded the bubble so much, he was able to speak of different areas in the realm in his music.

Thus the bubble theroy.